A selection of songs for 0 – 5 year olds
Tailor-made fun and learning for the very youngest participants
Looking for seasonal songs? This selection includes songs that are just right for Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter singing, but can also be enjoyed at any time of the year.
As well as being both entertaining and easy to learn, they also encompass educational objectives such as learning number values and body parts. In addition to this they will stimulate sound exploration by using movement to respond to changes in a song’s speed, dynamics or tempo.
With lots of fun and laughter for everyone, they provide an opportunity for babies, young children and adults to interact and enjoy themselves through music, movement and song.
The simple music score for piano or guitar is designed for optimum ease and accessibility or you can enjoy singing along to the Album. There is a sung version and backing tracks for you to sing along to Karaoke style for all songs.
A Second Singalong can be enjoyed by adults and young children just as effectively at home or even in the car
What’s included…
- Song words
- Easy and user friendly piano score
- Guitar chords
- Helpful suggestions for use
This is both a digital product with all files being ready for immediate download plus you receive the printed book and CD by post.