Fun-filled songs & productions for young children
Carried Along Productions from Primary teacher, Carrie Richardson brings to you a fresh collection of lively, fun-filled songs and musical productions aimed particularly at children between 0 and 7 years of age.
Carrie’s productions are fun. They are easy for the children to learn and for the staff to produce.
Our products include song selections and productions to be used within a variety of group settings, along with songs that can be sung at home for adults to entertain and bond with babies and young children.
All products draw on Carrie’s background as an Early Years/Key Stage One teacher, as well as her experience running a successful baby and toddler music group. Every one of her songs and productions have been thoroughly road tested and enjoyed by many.
These song selections and productions are available here for you to download or buy as a physical product.
*** No performing licence to pay on any productions***
Productions for Schools & Nurseries
- Lively & accessible
- Tailor-made for young children
- An ideal combination of fun and challenge
- Easy to perform
- Engaging
Song for Schools & Nurseries
- Educational
- Easy to teach and learn with backing tracks to sing along to
- Tunes which are catchy and fun
- Ideal for Early Years and Key Stage 1
- Helps with sound exploration into rhythms, tempos, dynamics and pitch
Singalong at home
- Easy to learn, sing and remember
- Excellent for bonding with babies and young children
- Catchy and entertaining
- Great first introduction to music
- Educational